Community Values
Relationship - We cultivate awareness for how we affect our world.
Reciprocity - All healthy relationships are based on mutual care. We aspire to the kind of generosity we observe in nature.
Trust - We build trust by aligning mind, word and action.
Respect - We sit in a circle, with no one above or below anyone else, and hold our unity and our differences with compassion. Leadership is earned, and appreciated.
Responsibility - We aim to master our own will to care for and learn from all relationships, honoring the boundaries within which we can affect change.
Sovereignty - We each know to what power we are beholden, and choose it freely.
Truth - We aim to express it with care, to welcome it with courage, and to humbly pursue it inside our hearts, layer by layer.
Confidentiality - we share what is ours to share, and honor the sanctity of one another’s life by safeguarding the container within which it unfolds.
Transformation - Challenges will arise due to the nature of our commitments. We show up willingly to meet our brilliance and our shadow alike, in order to grow.
Community - We recognize the importance of consistent relationships, of witnessing one another across time. We cultivate spaces for growth, support and encouragement.
Intimacy - We honor the nature of intimacy by refraining from any sexual behavior around our works and gatherings.
By participating in any Lighthouse activity, I agree to align my behavior to these values.
I understand that even with the best of planning and precaution, unforeseen events can occur. By signing this form, I agree to assume and accept all risks and hazards inherent in the activities. I also agree not to hold the Lighthouse, its employees or volunteer assistants liable for any damages, losses, or injuries to my person or property.